ニコニコ漫画 - 雑誌・WEBの人気マンガや未来のヒット作が読める

by Trista Inc.



Nico Nico Manga is a manga app of "niconico" that allows you to read popular manga and future hits in magazines and the WEB.nThe number of works is one of the largest in Japan, and you can enjoy various manga every day.

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◆ニコニコ漫画の特徴<今話題のマンガが無料で読める!>少年ジャンプや少年マガジン、少年サンデーなどの人気雑誌の人気作や、Webで話題になった注目作を無料で読むことができます。<作品数は国内最大級、毎日が楽しい>少年、青年、少女、4コマなど、幅広いジャンルの作品が毎日更新され、その数は国内最大級!バトルでワクワクしたい人も、恋愛で胸キュンしたい人も、可愛い動物でほっこり癒やされたい人も…その日、その時の気分に合わせてお気に入りの作品を見つけることができます。<ギフトを贈って作品を応援!>ニコニコ漫画では、作品に対して応援したい気持ちをギフトとして贈ることができます。お気に入りの作品に熱い気持ちや応援メッセージを贈って、作者の創作活動を応援しよう!<最高のマンガ体験を!>あなたの気分や作品に合わせて、マンガを読む方向を縦/横お好みで切り替えることができます。さらに、コメント投稿でみんなと楽しみながら作品を読んだり、読者参加型の企画に参加できたりと、ニコニコ漫画ならではの楽しみ方も盛りだくさんです。◆こんなあなたにオススメ・書店やWebでよく見かける話題作を読みたい方!・これから人気が出そうな新作を先取り&応援したい方!・ユーザー投稿マンガを読みたい方!・購入を迷っている作品の試し読みをしたい方!・異世界・ファンタジー作品が好きな方!・美少女がたくさん出てくる作品や百合作品が好きな方!◆イベントや人気作品の情報はこちら公式Twitterアカウントhttps://twitter.com/manga_nico◆マンガの投稿はこちらみなさんのマンガ投稿をお待ちしております!https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/manga/◆ Features of Nico Nico MangaYou can read popular works of popular magazines such as Shonen Jump, Shonen Magazine, and Shonen Sunday, as well as featured works that have become a hot topic on the Web for free.Works of a wide range of genres such as boys, adolescents, girls, and 4 frames are updated daily, and the number is one of the largest in Japan!For those who want to get excited in battle, for those who want to get excited about love, for those who want to be healed with cute animals ...On that day, you can find your favorite work according to your mood.With Nico Nico Manga, you can give a gift of your desire to support your work.Give your favorite work a passion and a message of support to support the creators creative activities!You can switch the reading direction of the manga vertically / horizontally according to your mood and work.In addition, there are plenty of ways to enjoy Nico Nico Manga, such as reading works while having fun with everyone by posting comments and participating in reader-participation-type projects.◆ Recommended for you・ Those who want to read topical works that are often seen in bookstores and on the Web!・ Those who want to anticipate and support new works that are likely to become popular in the future!・ Those who want to read user-submitted manga!・ Those who want to try out a work that they are wondering about purchasing!・ Those who like different worlds and fantasy works!・ Those who like works with many beautiful girls and Yuri works!◆ Click here for information on events and popular worksOfficial Twitter accounthttps://twitter.com/manga_nico◆ Click here to post mangaWe look forward to your manga submissions!https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/manga/